I have been working on a pure HTML front-end for one of the pet projects I'm doing. A lot of fun, but while developing, running the terminal commands to compile both the .less and .coffee files gets a tad tedious. "Watchr" to the rescue! With this little gem you can watch specific folders or file extensions and run commands based on the files you watch.
Here is how I got it set up now ..
First of all we need to get the Watchr gem installed. Assuming you have a Mac and got XCode (or at least the tools) installed, this is pretty simple:
$ gem install watchr
Another easy one ..
$ npm install -g coffee-script
Don't forget the -g
flag as you (probably) want it to be installed globally.
You got the hang of it now, it's as easy as ..
$ npm install -g less
Now we're ready for the fun bit, setting up watchr to do some automagic stuff.
I have a typical folder structure, with the exception of a new _src
folder which will contain all the raw coffeescript and less files.
Watchr works with a config file, which basically tells it what to watch for, and what to do if it finds any changes. I placed the file inside the _src
folder and named it watchr.rb
Here's my config file at the moment:
def compile_less
%x[lessc less/bootstrap/bootstrap.less ../css/main.css --yui-compress]
def compile_coffee
%x[coffee -c -j ../js/app.js coffee/]
def do_growl(message)
growlnotify = `which growlnotify`.chomp
title = "Watchr Message"
passed = message.include?('0 failures, 0 errors')
image = passed ? "~/.watchr_images/passed.png" : "~/.watchr_images/failed.png"
severity = passed ? "-1" : "1"
options = "-w -n Watchr --image '#{File.expand_path(image)}'"
options << " -m '#{message}' '#{title}' -p #{severity}"
system %(#{growlnotify} #{options} &)
do_growl "Watching folders and waiting for changes .."
watch('less/*') { |m|
# Recompile LESS files
do_growl "LESS Compiled and Compressed!"
watch('coffee/*') { |m|
# Recompile Coffeescripts
do_growl "Coffeescripts compiled and concatenated!"
As you can see at the bottom I'm watching the 2 folders seperately, as I want to run different commands for them. For the project I'm working on I'm using Twitter Bootstrap, so rather than compiling all the .less files to seperate .css files I just want to compiled bootstrap.less as that @imports all the things it needs. When it's done with that it yui-compresses the lot and writes the output to css/main.css
. Pretty cool!
The compile_coffee command does something pretty similar. Whenever a .coffee file in the coffee folder changes it will compile them all and combine the output (notice the -j
flag) and write it to js/app.js
To get the show on the road, cd to the _src
folder, and run:
$ watchr watchr.rb
You may have noticed the do_growl
function, which doesn't really add value except that it's just cool to get a Growl message whenever it has done it's thing. To get that bit working you have to install "Growl Notify".
If you're not that interested, or you don't have a Mac with Growl simply remove the function and the do_growl calls from the watch patterns.
I'm sure I could optimize this a bit, and add variables for output folders and options, but for now it's simple, working, and pretty damn cool.
Let me know how you get your watchr set up!